Abstract:To study the transmission patterns of epidemics in star-couple interconnected networks, we establish an effective degree epidemic model in a two-layer star-coupled network. The network structure corresponds to a transportation system that connects two central cities and the surrounding towns (ignoring the connections between towns). We first calculate the spreading threshold by using the next generation matrix and numerically explore the main influence factors. We then analyze the thresholds in case of different control strategies including cutting node connections and vaccinating susceptible nodes. The results indicate that cutting the connections between center and boundary and vaccinating the center are most effective for disease control. The findings can provide good reference for the modeling and analysis of epidemic dynamics
郑国庆, 唐清干, 祝光湖. 两层星型网络上的传染病建模和控制[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2017, 14(4): 51-57.
ZHENG Guoqing, TANG Qinggan, ZHU Guanghu. Model and Control of Epidemics on a Star-Coupled Interconnected Network. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2017, 14(4): 51-57.
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