Bee Colony Activating-Inhibition Algorithm and Its Application in Traffic Signal Timing
HU Liang1, XIAO Renbin1,WANG Yingcong2
1.School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; 2.School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Abstract There are various dynamic allocation problems in real life. However, the swarm intelligence division of labor has a natural advantage in solving such dynamic allocation problems because it simulates the division of labor between biological groups.At present, most studies on division of labor with swarm intelligence focus on the stimulation-response principle of ant colonies, while ignores the principle of activating and inhibition of bee colonies. Different from the individual environment interaction mode of the stimulation-response principle, the principle of activating and inhibition adopts interaction mode among individuals. Aiming at the phenomenon of labor division of bee colonies, this paper proposes an activating and inhibition labor division model (AILD). In order to verify the validity of the AILD model, traffic signal timing,a typical time allocation problem,is selected and the corresponding activating and inhibition labor division signal timing algorithm (AILD-ST) based on the evolutionary solution is proposed. This paper uses the real traffic flow data to implement simulation experiment based on AILD-ST algorithm. Compared with Webster algorithm, ant colony algorithm and bee colony algorithm, the results show that the proposed algorithm is of good quality and high calculation efficiency
HU Liang,XIAO Renbin,WANG Yingcong. Bee Colony Activating-Inhibition Algorithm and Its Application in Traffic Signal Timing[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science,
2019, 16(2): 9-18.
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