A Review on Modeling and Propagation of Human Temporal Contact Networks
LI Jinga, LI Cong, LI Xiang
a. Adaptive Network and Control Lab., Department of Electronic Engineering; b. Research Center of Smart Networks and Systems, School of Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Abstract Temporal human contact networks have their own dynamical properties, which can be depicted by defining appropriate topological and temporal characteristic. On the other hand, the inherent structural features of temporal networks affect the dynamical processes occurring on the network significantly, such as epidemic spreading. The research progress is reviewed in this paper, covering the types and representations of human interactions, temporal network structure (network topology, temporal features and time scales), temporal network models as well as the spreading dynamics on temporal network. Then we analyze the current research situation and put forward several future research directions of this field.
LI Jing,LI Cong,LI Xiang. A Review on Modeling and Propagation of Human Temporal Contact Networks[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science,
2019, 16(3): 1-21.