Ecological Complexity of Clonal Plant Growth and Diffusion
HAN Dingding1, QI Ting2a, LI Dezhi2b
1.School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2.a.School of Communication and Electronic Engineering, b.School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
Abstract The paper determines seven habitat patterns and plant growth rules, and propose ramets distribution network model to simulate the dynamic growth of digitally cloned plants. The effects of habitat heterogeneity and the structural characteristics of the plants on the diffusion process of ramets at different growth stages were revealed. Besides,we obtain ramet network and quantitatively describe the growth and diffusion process of ramet population under different treatments. The results show that the denser the patch distribution in the habitat, the faster the ramets population will grow. Different plants adaptability to the environment differently, and genotypes that produce longer spacers in resource-rich patchesprefer to explore the habitat while the genotypes with longer spacer in the resource-poor patches are more likely to obtain favorable resources in the habitat.
HAN Dingding,QI Ting,LI Dezhi. Ecological Complexity of Clonal Plant Growth and Diffusion[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science,
2020, 17(1): 15-20.