Empirical Analysis of Guilin's Bus Transfer Network |
QIN Bingfa, LI Kezan
School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China |
Abstract This paper considers the inconsistency between the upgoing and downgoing bus lines. Taking the bus network in Guilin as an example, use the network analysis results to provide a theoretical basis for the optimization of the bus lines. Firstly, the characteristics of the degree distribution, average path length, etc. of the bus transfer network in the urban area of Guilin are studied. The results show that the cumulative probability of the network degree value is in the form of a logarithmic function. The Guilin station has the highest degree, betweenness and compactness, which indicate that the Guilin station is the core station. Secondly, both random and deliberate attack methods are used to destroy the network. The changes of average shortest path and connectivity under random attack are slighter than the deliberate attack, which means that the network is more robust against random attack. Finally, the PageRank algorithm is used to rank the importance of network nodes, and key stations in the bus transfer network are mined.
Published: 24 June 2020