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复杂系统与复杂性科学  2024, Vol. 21 Issue (2): 68-74    DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2024.02.009
  复杂网络 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
侯静宇, 宋运忠
河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,河南 焦作 454003
Analysis of Fragile Lines in Power Grid Based on Multi-link Cascading Failure Diagram
HOU Jingyu, SONG Yunzhong
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China
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摘要 为实现迅速正确地进行脆弱线路辨识,提出一种基于新型指标建立多链路事故链模型,并生成连锁故障图的分析方案。基于复杂网络理论对模型进行计算和分析,以系统负荷损失率为依据对线路脆弱性进行衡量,最后以IEEE39节点系统为算例验证了该方法的有效性。该方法突破了传统方法事故链模型建立过程中单对单线路的限制,并有效地实现了脆弱线路的辨识。
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关键词 脆弱线路辨识多链路事故链连锁故障图复杂网络理论    
Abstract:Rapid and correct identification of vulnerable lines is of great significance to maintaining the safety of the power grid and avoiding large-scale power outages. Based on this, this paper proposes an analysis scheme to establish a multi-link accident chain model based on new indicators and generate a chain fault diagram. The model is calculated and analyzed based on the complex network theory, and the line vulnerability is measured based on the system load loss rate. Finally, the IEEE39-bus system is taken as an example to verify the effectiveness of the method. The method breaks through the limitation of a single pair of single lines in the process of establishing an accident chain model by the traditional method and effectively realizes the identification of fragile lines, so as to maintain the safety of the power grid and improve the stability of the power grid.
Key wordsvulnerable line identification    multi-link    accident chain    cascading fault diagram    complex network theory
收稿日期: 2022-11-04      出版日期: 2024-07-17
ZTFLH:  TM 711  
通讯作者: 宋运忠(1968-),男,河南民权人,博士,教授,主要研究方向为复杂系统的分析与控制。   
作者简介: 第一作者: 侯静宇(1997-),男,河南焦作人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为复杂系统建模与控制。
侯静宇, 宋运忠. 基于多链路连锁故障图的电网脆弱线路分析[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2024, 21(2): 68-74.
HOU Jingyu, SONG Yunzhong. Analysis of Fragile Lines in Power Grid Based on Multi-link Cascading Failure Diagram[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2024, 21(2): 68-74.
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