Abstract:Considering that in the process of microblog information dissemination, the opinion of each network user is influenced by the opinions of the previous network user. Therefore, we propose a Bayesian opinion evolution model based on weibo data mining. With “dynamic zero policy is the general policy of China′s fight against the epidemic” as the key word, Python is used to crawl the Weibo comment data. After data preprocessing and word segmentation, the Bayesian opinion evolution model is empirically analyzed. Empirical analysis shows that the timely guidance of public opinion by official media plays an important role in sentiment evolution tendency.
刘颖, 方爱丽, 魏新江. 基于微博数据挖掘的贝叶斯观点演化模型[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2023, 20(3): 52-59.
LIU Ying, FANG Aili, WEI Xinjiang. Bayesian Opinion Evolution Model Based on Weibo Data Mining. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2023, 20(3): 52-59.
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