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  15 December 2017, Volume 14 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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A Computational Survey of Evolutionary Game Dynamics on Complex Networks   Collect
TAN Shaolin, Lü Jinhu
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 1-13.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.001
Abstract ( 3012 )     PDF (1782KB) ( 1801 )  
Evolutionary games on complex networks is a new interdisciplinary research field at the cross-point of complex networks and evolutionary game. With a complex network and and an evolutionary game dynamics representing the interaction structure among agents and the decision paradigm respectively, evolutionary games on complex networks provides a systematic framework for analyzing and predicting the collective decision-making behaviors of complex interactive populations. This review aims to give a brief survey of evolutionary game dynamics on complex networks from a computational perspective. In detail, we will firstly present a mathematical formulation of the model of evolutionary game dynamics on complex networks, and then analyze the computational complexity of these networked game dynamics, and finally outline some main analytical results about evolutionary game dynamics on complex networks. This computational survey will be a well complement to those simulation results in evolutionary game dynamics on complex networks.
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The Thresholds of Some Epidemic Models   Collect
CUI Yumei, CHEN Shanshan, FU Xinchu
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 14-31.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.002
Abstract ( 8284 )     PDF (1577KB) ( 2176 )  
This paper introduces the derivation of basic reproduction numbers for several epidemic models. The basic reproduction number plays an important role in describing the dynamic behavior of infectious disease models,which is an important indicator to determine the prevalence of diseases. Therefore, the basic reproductive number is a significant reference for the prevention and control of diseases and the immunization strategy. The basic reproduction numbers can be derived by means of the definition, the monotonicity of the infected individuals at the initial moment, the existence of the positive equilibrium and the local stability of the disease-free equilibrium, the numerical simulation,respectively. This paper introduces many epidemic models especially network model and calculates their basic reproduction numbers. Finally, we analyze the changes in the basic reproduction numbers during different periods.
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Research on Complex Network Mesoscopic Traffic Flow with Dynamic Limit Speed Control Strategies   Collect
LI Shubin, FU Baibai, SUN Tao, DANG Wenxiu, GAO Ge
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 32-42.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.003
Abstract ( 1140 )     PDF (2161KB) ( 859 )  
Complexity science, as a new crossing discipline, has penetrated into every field of economy and society. The purpose of this paper is to study the complexity of science in the era of big data. Based on complex network theory combined with the improved traffic flow simulation model, this paper studies effect of VSL to dynamic traffic, and then analyzes the optimal control strategy of VSL in different network topology. The results show that the optimal variable speed limit control strategy can optimize the traffic state of the network. The conclusion of this research is meaningful to put forward some reasonable transportation plan and develop effective traffic management and control measures to help department of traffic management.
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Network Destruction Resistance Based on Network Motif Feature   Collect
JIA Chengfeng, HAN Hua, WANYAN Juan, Lü Yanan
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 43-50.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.004
Abstract ( 854 )     PDF (1087KB) ( 462 )  
Real networks such as biological neural networks, food chain networks contain motif structure.But for this kind of network with the motif characters, there is no corresponded attack strategy. In this paper, we propose a motif degree algebraic algorithm and a motif attack failure mode for this kind of network with the characteristics of the motif structure. We design a model attack strategy which is different from the traditional attack. By using this strategy, two simulation networks and five different size real networks with distinct motif characteristics are simulated and compared with the traditional point attack strategy.The simulation results show that the survivability of the network with the motif feature under the motif attack strategy is obviously lower than traditional point attack strategy.And the motif attacking strategy is more significant to the network with obvious motif characteristics.
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Model and Control of Epidemics on a Star-Coupled Interconnected Network   Collect
ZHENG Guoqing, TANG Qinggan, ZHU Guanghu
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 51-57.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.005
Abstract ( 881 )     PDF (1081KB) ( 475 )  
To study the transmission patterns of epidemics in star-couple interconnected networks, we establish an effective degree epidemic model in a two-layer star-coupled network. The network structure corresponds to a transportation system that connects two central cities and the surrounding towns (ignoring the connections between towns). We first calculate the spreading threshold by using the next generation matrix and numerically explore the main influence factors. We then analyze the thresholds in case of different control strategies including cutting node connections and vaccinating susceptible nodes. The results indicate that cutting the connections between center and boundary and vaccinating the center are most effective for disease control. The findings can provide good reference for the modeling and analysis of epidemic dynamics
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Routing Strategy Research of “Maritime Silk Road” Container Shipping Network   Collect
FENG Xuejun, ZHANG Cheng, JIANG Liupeng, ZHANG Yan, JIANG He
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 58-65.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.006
Abstract ( 858 )     PDF (1200KB) ( 585 )  
As a carrier of “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, the structure and capability of shipping network will have a close relationship to the efficiency of national international trade along the road. In order to figure out the structure of the complex system and explore the factors which affect its performance, we build a network model based on a large number of container liner records, and verifies its scale-free characteristics. At the same time, based on BA scale-free network theory, a simulation experiment is designed to explore the impact on network performance. The experimental results show that reasonable node processing capacity allocation scheme and routing parameters can improve the performance of the shipping network. The conclusion of the research can provide the theoretical basis for the optimal allocation of ports and routes along the “Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century”.
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Tang Poetry from the Perspective of Network   Collect
LI Mengna, GUO Jinli, BIAN Wen, CHANG Ningge, XIAO Xiao, LU Ruimin
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 66-71.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.007
Abstract ( 884 )     PDF (854KB) ( 483 )  
This paper took the vowels in pinyin as a bridge, and established the Tang poetry hypernetwork based on 762 nodes of Tang poetry and 24 hyperedges of vowels. Results of theoretical analysis show that hyperdegree distribution exhibit the scale-free property, and Tang poetry hypernetwork exhibits high clustered property and heterogeneity. In addition, for the Tang poetry that rhyme only includes two vowels, this paper built weighted complex network of vowel to further study the relationship between the vowels. It is found that the vowels ‘eng’ and ‘ing’, and the vowels ‘ou’ and ‘iu’ tend to appear at the same poem. The vowels ‘i’ and ‘eng’ play an important role in rhyme of Tang poetry.
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Experimental Study of Vibration-Resonance Aided System in Human Hand Movement   Collect
ZHANG Li, SUN Huatong, PAN Yuanyuan, DUAN Fabing
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 72-78.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.008
Abstract ( 763 )     PDF (1024KB) ( 441 )  
The division of labor, the fast-paced life, the disease and other factors make the hand of the nervous system to reduce the sensitivity of external perception. Since these factors degrade the stability of human hand movements, the paper designs vibration-resonance aided system, and studies the feasibility of this system in the enhancement of human hand movements. The signal source of the vibration-resonance aided system is generated by several vibration micro-motors that act on the opisthenar with different vibrational intensities. Analysis of variance and correlation time of the autocorrelation function hand movement, we find that the vibration-resonance aided system can improve the responsiveness of the nervous system and improve the stability of human hand movements, which is also meaningful for the design of medical rehabilitation instruments.
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Adaptive Fuzzy Synchronization Control for a Class of Uncertain Chaotic Systems   Collect
GAO Zilin, WANG Yinhe
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 79-88.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.009
Abstract ( 875 )     PDF (1080KB) ( 529 )  
For a class of chaotic systems with unknown nonlinear functions, parameters and disturbances, by employing a time-varying parameter into T-S fuzzy logic systems with nonlinear consequents (T-S-FLS-NRC), the adaptive fuzzy synchronization controller is designed based on the online estimation of parameters by the adaptive method, and the asymptotical synchronization of drive-response chaotic systems is achieved. Generally speaking, T-S-FLS-NRC has higher approximation ability, and we can use the fewer fuzzy rules to approximate the unknown nonlinearities in master and slave systems. Moreover, the number of parameter adaptive laws is not related with the number of fuzzy rules during the process of designing the synchronization controller. Therefore, the synchronization method in this paper is able not only to reduce the on-line computational burden significantly but also to be broader applications for the fuzzy logic systems with few fuzzy rules and high interpretability by using intuition inferences. Finally, the simulations show the validity of the method in this paper.
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Hybrid Mode Based Synchronization of BA Scale Free Network   Collect
LI Yun, SONG Yunzhong
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 89-96.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.010
Abstract ( 1003 )     PDF (1061KB) ( 697 )  
This paper mainly deals with the synchronization of BA scale free network based on hybrid mode. In order to make that possible, both virtual leader nodes and entity leader nodes were presented at first and on account of that, hybrid mode leader nodes was proposed. And the topology of the targeted BA scale free network was described by the directed graph, where the first-order mathematical model of the network system was established according to the topology structure. Upon which, the quasi-periodic discrete controller was employed to reset all kinds of the leader nodes afterwards, so that the synchronization of the entire network was turned into reality. Finally, as one of the case studies, the numerical simulation of the BA scale free network with 11 nodes was carried out to verify the efficacy of the suggested scheme.
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Guaranteed Set Based Self-Triggered Control of Multi-Agent Systems   Collect
CHENG Yun, SONG Yunzhong
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (4): 97-104.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.011
Abstract ( 811 )     PDF (1063KB) ( 863 )  
In order to address real-time manipulation of the networked cyber-physical systems in a distributed style, a new self-triggered strategy was suggested. Different from the already existed strategies, the guaranteed set was borrowed to join in, where agents could exchange information about their future reachable states. And moreover, the up-coming reachable states were collectively coined as guaranteed set. The available guaranteed set made it possible for the agents to autonomously schedule the instant requested information in the up-coming horizon. On account of that, the leveraged performance with lower cost, was turned into reality. At the same time, the Lyapunov function was built to verify the effectiveness of the suggested scheme, where the simulation results of a multi-agent system was also added in to keep the integrity of the touched upon idea.
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