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  15 September 2017, Volume 14 Issue 3    Next Issue
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Review of Laboratory Experiments on Travel Choice Behavior   Collect
SUN Xiaoyan, HAN Xiao, YAN Xiaoyong, WANG Wenxu, JIANG Rui, JIA Bin
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 1-7.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.001
Abstract ( 961 )     PDF (911KB) ( 858 )  
A fundamental problem in transportation science is to understand the choices of travelers in complex transportation systems. In order to solve these problems, more and more laboratory experiments have been conducted. This paper reviews the main progress of laboratory experiments on travel choice behavior from three aspects, which are traffic network equilibrium test, classic traffic paradoxes test, and travel demand management schemes evaluation. Moreover, this paper analyzes the existing problems and suggests further developments.
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Research Progress of Fuzzy Overlapping Community Detection in Complex Networks   Collect
XIAO Jing, ZHANG Yongjian, XU Xiaoke
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 8-29.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.002
Abstract ( 1090 )     PDF (2795KB) ( 636 )  
Through expanding value space, fuzzy overlapping detection redefines the fuzzy membership degree, which can not only improve the detection accuracy of the complicated community structures, but also explore the overlapping features of nodes and communities. In this paper, we firstly give the explanation of the difference between crisp and fuzzy overlapping detection, and then summarize their related researches. To clearly state the fuzzy overlapping detection, we introduce the available work by dividing them into five classes on the acquisition method of fuzzy membership degree, including expanded label propagation, nonnegative matrix factorization, edge nodes based two-phase detection, fuzzy clustering and fuzzy modularity optimization. The advances and challenges of the fuzzy modularity optimization based on evolutionary algorithms are discussed in detail. At last some future research topics are given
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Review on Invulnerability of Interdependent Networks   Collect
DONG Zhengcheng, FANG Yanjun, TIAN Meng
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 30-44.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.003
Abstract ( 1034 )     PDF (2044KB) ( 497 )  
Via arrangement and classification of literatures, a review on invulnerability of interdependent networks in recent years is made. As the research foundation of invulnerability of interdependent networks, this paper first introduces some common methods of network invulnerability. Then we make arrangements on related researches from some fields, and take the power system as an example to explain the applications of interdependent networks. In the end, some conclusions and outlook are made for the researches and developments of invulnerability on interdependent networks. We hope this review can provide reference and research idea for researchers.
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Modularization Structure Design for Warfare Simulation Agent Based on Capability Component   Collect
PU Wei, LI Xiong
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 45-57.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.004
Abstract ( 825 )     PDF (2930KB) ( 503 )  
To solve the problem of low degree of modularity, low reuse and low development efficiency of warfare simulation agent software, a modularization structure design method for warfare simulation agent based on capability component is proposed. The implementation of BDI model in warfare simulation agent, and the basic concept of capability encapsulation and capability relationship are proposed. The structure, element, class and executive algorithm of warfare simulation agent’s capability component based on capability encapsulation are designed. The structure, data model, class and executive algorithm of warfare simulation agent’s general executive module based on capability component are designed. An instance of platform-level armored troop warfare modeling is used to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.
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A Dynamic Super-network Model of Command Information System Driven by Task-Flow   Collect
CUI Qiong, LI Jianhua, RAN Haodan, NAN Mingli
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 58-67.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.005
Abstract ( 899 )     PDF (1832KB) ( 375 )  
Traditional CIS modeling methods have disadvantages such as unilateralism, inactivity and homogeneity, which is difficult to describe inherent mechanism of the complex system exactly. Due to this problem, we propose a dynamic super-network modeling method on the basis of being driven by task-flow. Firstly, we construct a multi-field structure space model for CIS, and describe the dynamic mechanism of CIS by defining operational task space, function space and platform space, as well as mapping relationships between them. Secondly, we define function network as the static super-network, and then based on scheduling and consecution of tasks, we establish the dynamic super-network model driven by task-flow, with defining some correlative parameters. At last, we verify the effectiveness and maneuverability of the model by analyzing the simulation.
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Multilayer Evolutionary Networked Games Base on Semi-Tensor Product   Collect
WU Liqin, WANG Jinhuan, XU Yong
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 68-74.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.006
Abstract ( 823 )     PDF (769KB) ( 368 )  
Using the semi-tensor product method, this paper investigates the algebraic formulation and strategy optimization for a class of multilayer evolutionary networked games with “myopic best response adjustment” rules. Firstly, the dynamics of the multilayer evolutionary networked game is converted to formulate for the game. Secondly, based on the algebraic form, the dynamic behavior of the multilayer evolutionary networked games is discussed. Finally, the strategy optimization problem is considered by adding a pseudo-player. The aim is to design optimal control sequence to maximize the average income of pseudo-players. An illustrative example shows the effectiveness of this paper.
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Spatial Analysis of Microblog Information Diffusion   Collect
LI Canghai, XU Yitie, LUO Chunhai, HU Haibo
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 75-84.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.007
Abstract ( 990 )     PDF (1717KB) ( 352 )  
To reveal the spatial characteristics of information diffusion, this paper studies the microblog information diffusion among China’s prefecture-level cities utilizing Sina microblog data, and studies the factors influencing the intercity information diffusion using gravity model. We find that a few first and second-tier cities show information monopoly and dominate the output and diffusion of microblog content. The analysis on intercity information interaction models shows that the number of users affects the intercity information diffusion to a large extent, the total GDP of cities can also predict intercity information interaction, and space distance no longer plays a part. The information diffusion in microblog breaks the limit of spatial distance. This study reveals the mapping between online social networks and offline physical space, and the intercity diffusion characteristics of information in social media, which can provide reference for spatial location-related information distribution and online public opinion monitoring.
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LFM Community Detection Algorithm Based on Vertex Similarity   Collect
YANG Xiaobo, CHEN Chuxiang, WANG Zhiwan
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 85-90.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.008
Abstract ( 883 )     PDF (848KB) ( 389 )  
In network with fuzzy community structure, precision of the traditional LFM algorithm decreases apparently. In order to solve this problem, an LFMJ algorithm is presented. Using the information of neighbor nodes and improved Jaccard coefficient, this algorithm reconstructed the network structure, and improved the precision of community division results. To validate the algorithm, five algorithms was tested in LFR benchmark and real networks, including LFMJ, traditional LFM, LPA algorithm and WT, FUA algorithm, which have better performance in community detection. The results show that, in LFR network, the accuracy of LFMJ is higher than both LFM and LPA, equaling to WT and FUA algorithm. In real network and LFR network with overlapping community, LFMJ gets the highest accuracy than others. The effectiveness of the algorithm is proved.
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The Critical Lines Identification of the Power Grids Based on the Complex Network Theory   Collect
FU Jie, ZOU Yanli, XIE Rong
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 91-96.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.009
Abstract ( 942 )     PDF (1007KB) ( 500 )  
Based on the complex network theory, this paper proposes a critical lines evaluation method for power network according to the cohesion degree of network. This method focuses on the overall state of the power network, the connectivity between nodes in the power network and the numbers of nodes in the network. It can measure the importance of each transmission line in power network by observing the change of cohesion degree of power network before and after transmission line breaking. Because of the comparison between the calculation results of this paper and the results of the existing critical lines evaluation schemes based on the network performance in the literature, the simulation on the topological structure and dynamics, the reasonable and effective of the method is proved.
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Transmission Rate Seasonality of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease and Its Relationship with Population Flux   Collect
CHEN Ji, FAN Xuezhi, ZHAO Jijun
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 97-102.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.010
Abstract ( 847 )     PDF (918KB) ( 408 )  
In this paper, we estimated the transmission rate seasonality of hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Anhui province, and analyzed the relationship between the population flux and the transmission rate seasonality of HFMD. The transmission rate of HFMD was estimated by using TSIR model and the simple mass model; the transmission rate seasonality of HFMD was analyzed. The relationship between the population flux (transport volume of highway passenger) and the transmission rate seasonality of HFMD was analyzed by using linear regression model. Results of our two models show that the transmission rate of HFMD has annual seasonality, the peek of transmission rate occurred in February every year during the Spring Festival. The annual transmission rate seasonality was because of the population flux in Anhui province. These results can help to analyze dynamic transmission characteristics of HFMD and can better explain the cyclic pattern of HFMD report case.
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Periodic Solutions Initiation and Evolving of a Symmetrical Double-Potential Well Duffing System with Forced Harmonic Excitation   Collect
XIAO Shifu, CHEN Hongyong, NIU Hongpan
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2017, 14 (3): 103-110.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.03.011
Abstract ( 911 )     PDF (1880KB) ( 393 )  
For a Duffing equation with symmetrical double potential well, which is derived from a self-rotating mass-spring pendulum with three-order nonlinear stiffness, the periodic solutions type, initiation mode and evolving behavior adapting to the frequency of excitation are investigated meticulously by Harmonic Balance Method and numerical simulation. Some rewarding results are obtained. This Duffing system has local periodic solutions in the region near its equilibrium point and many global periodic solutions with symmetry, antisymmetry and dissymmetry. The global periodic solutions derive from saddle-node bifurcation. The local periodic solutions and the dissymmetrical global periodic solutions evolve directly into chaos passing through double-periodic bifurcation. The symmetrical global 1-periodic solutions evolve into chaos through passing the double-periodic bifurcation only after losting their symmetry by symmetry-breaking, and the antisymmetric global 3-periodic solutions evolve into quasi-periodic solutions through passing the triple-periodic bifurcation also after lost their symmetry by antisymmetry-breaking.The studies help to raise the understanding of the nonlinear phenomenon and the evolution of solutions of the Duffing equation.
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