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复杂系统与复杂性科学  2024, Vol. 21 Issue (4): 91-98    DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2024.04.014
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
张志霞, 李朋璋
西安建筑科技大学管理学院,西安 710055
The Application of an Improved HHO Algorithm in the Location of Perishable Goods Distribution Center
ZHANG Zhixia, LI Pengzhang
School of Management, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi′an 710300, China
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摘要 为了保障城市应急物资能及时准确地配送到需求点,特别是对于生命周期较短的特殊应急物资“易逝品”,其时效性要求更高。基于突发性公共卫生事件的应急场景,以最小化运输时间和运输成本、最大化相对覆盖面积为目标建立了城市易逝品配送中心的多目标选址模型,对哈里斯鹰优化算法(HHO)进行改进,以实现对易逝品配送中心多目标选址问题的有效求解。为了验证模型的有效性,选取上海市某区为研究实例,结果表明:改进HHO算法可求解城市实际路况下易逝品配送中心的选址模型,可以提供直观的多目标选址优化方案。
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关键词 易逝品多目标选址配送中心改进哈里斯鹰优化算法GIS    
Abstract:In order to ensure that urban emergency supplies can be delivered to the demand point in a timely and accurate manner, especially for special emergency supplies with a short life cycle′ perishable goods, its timeliness requirements are higher. Based on the emergency scenario of sudden public health events, this paper establishes a multi-objective location model of urban perishable goods distribution center with the goal of minimizing transportation time and transportation cost and maximizing relative coverage area. The Harris Hawk optimization algorithm (HHO) is improved to achieve an effective solution to the multi-objective location problem of perishable goods distribution center. In order to verify the effectiveness of the model, a district in Shanghai is selected as a research example. The results show that the improved HHO algorithm can solve the location model of perishable goods distribution center under actual urban road conditions, and can provide an intuitive multi-objective location optimization scheme.
Key wordsperishable goods    multi-objective location    distribution center    improved Harris Hawk optimization algorithm    GIS
收稿日期: 2023-04-10      出版日期: 2025-01-03
ZTFLH:  U12  
通讯作者: 李朋璋(1998-),男,河北沧州人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为复杂系统优化与决策。   
作者简介: 张志霞(1973-),女,内蒙古包头人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为复杂系统优化与决策。
张志霞, 李朋璋. 改进HHO算法在易逝品配送中心选址中的应用[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2024, 21(4): 91-98.
ZHANG Zhixia, LI Pengzhang. The Application of an Improved HHO Algorithm in the Location of Perishable Goods Distribution Center[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2024, 21(4): 91-98.
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