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复杂系统与复杂性科学  2024, Vol. 21 Issue (4): 99-106    DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2024.04.015
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
彭伟华1,2, 侯仁勇1
1.武汉理工大学管理学院,武汉 430070;
2.济南大学商学院,济南 250022
On the Tripartite Evolution Game of Network Platform Employment Governance
PENG Weihua1,2, HOU Renyong1
1. School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China;
2. School of Business, University of Ji′nan, Ji′nan 250022, China
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摘要 为探究网络平台就业治理各参与主体行为策略选择演化机制,选取平台企业、劳动者和政府作为三方参与主体,基于演化博弈理论构建网络平台就业治理的三方演化博弈模型,分析各参与主体行为演化路径,并进行数值模拟仿真,得出博弈三方行为策略选择的主要影响因素有自身利润、政府惩罚力度、社会声誉,提出网络平台就业治理的针对性建议。表明建立新就业形态平台企业自律体系、劳动者就业生态体系和政府服务体系是网络平台就业协同治理的有效途径。
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关键词 网络平台就业新就业形态演化博弈模拟仿真    
Abstract:In order to explore the evolution mechanism of each participant’s behavior strategy selection on network platform employment governance, a tripartite evolution game model of "platform enterprise-laborer-government" is proposed based on evolution theory. This paper analyzes the main influence factors of each participant’s behavior strategy selection which include their own profits, government punishment and social reputation. And some suggestions on network platform employment governance are put forward. The effective way of network platform employment cooperative governance can be concluded as building platform enterprise self-regulation system, laborer employment ecosystem system and government service system under the new forms of employment.
Key wordsnetwork platform employment    new forms of employment    evolutionary game    simulation
收稿日期: 2023-01-02      出版日期: 2025-01-03
ZTFLH:  F246  
通讯作者: 侯仁勇(1970-),男,四川广安人,博士,教授,主要研究方向为区域创新管理。   
作者简介: 彭伟华(1980-),女,山东菏泽人,博士研究生,讲师,主要研究方向为创新创业管理。
彭伟华, 侯仁勇. 网络平台就业治理的三方演化博弈研究[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2024, 21(4): 99-106.
PENG Weihua, HOU Renyong. On the Tripartite Evolution Game of Network Platform Employment Governance[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2024, 21(4): 99-106.
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