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  15 March 2018, Volume 15 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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Exploration of Precision Clinical Application and Active Components of Gualou Xiebai Banxia Decoction Based on a Network Pharmacology Approach   Collect
ZHANG Wen,WU Hongwei,YU Xiankuo,FAN Jianwei,SU Ruiqiang,GUO Feifei,YANG Hongjun
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 2-10.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.001
Abstract ( 1138 )     PDF (2152KB) ( 491 )  
Gualouxiebaibanxia decoctionis a classic Chinese medicine prescription which was known toactivate qi for relieving qi stagnation, activate Yang and remove obstruction, expelphlegm for relaxing chest, and it mainly deals with thoracic obstruction. In this study, network pharmacologywas used to reveal the clinical application, active components and mechanism of Gualouxiebaibanxia decoction. First, we collected 780 chemical components of Gualouxiebaibanxia decoction by TSMSP database and literature mining. Then, the ADMET characteristics of components was predicted by FAF-Drugs4 database. 294 drug-like components filtered by ADMET characteristics were uploaded to BATMAN-TCM platform to predict potential drug targets. Next, we imported targets with a score greater than 20 into the DAVID database for functional enrichment of disease, tissue-specificity, Gene Ontologyand pathway. Finally, the “chemical components -target -pathway-function” network was shown by Cytoscape 3.5.1.This study found that Gualouxiebaibanxia decoction mainly acts on the heart and liver, and its main symptoms may be myocardial infarction which belongs to cardiovascular disease. The mechanism of Gualouxiebaibanxia decoctionmay be related to heart rate regulation, cardiomyocyte survival, immunity and inflammation, vascular smooth muscle contraction and lipid metabolism.This study got the potential active component of Gualouxiebaibanxia decoctionsuch as dibutyl phthalate and methyl eugenol.
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The Investigation of Molecular Mechanism of Guhong Injection Against Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in a Network Pharmacology Approach   Collect
FAN Fangfang, CHEN Shuman, YANG Hongjun, ZHANG Yi, TANG Shihuan, LI Defeng, ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Jingjing, GAO Jinhuan
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 11-17.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.002
Abstract ( 825 )     PDF (1424KB) ( 390 )  
To investigate molecular mechanism of Guhong injection against rat cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury, Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (MCAO) was adopted to evaluate the protection of Guhong injection against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury, and a network pharmacology approach was applied to investigate molecular mechanism of Guhong injection against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Guhong injection demonstrated effective protectionagainst cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury was demonstrated. Based on the network pharmacology analysis, 131 compounds such as canthaxanthin A, γ-aminobutyric acid, regulated 12 functional pathways like amino acid metabolism, calcium signaling pathway, and had an effect on 64 key targets such as AGT, IL8 which was related with the Guhong injection-mediated protection. In this study, the network pharmacological analysis of Guhong-mediated protection provides potential clues for further research on the material basis and molecular mechanism.
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On the Network Pharmacology of Ginseng and Astragalus with Tonifying Qi to Prevent and Treatcardio-Cerebral Diseases   Collect
ZHOU Rongrong,LI Zhiyong,GUO Feifei,XU Haiyu,TANG Shihuan
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 18-23.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.003
Abstract ( 926 )     PDF (1032KB) ( 697 )  
To study of the main active components, targetsof Ginseng and Astragalusand theirmolecular mechanisms of cardiac or cerebral diseases by networkpharmacology.Based on the Integrative Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCMIP), we have screened the components and target information of Ginseng and Astragalus, and carried out the related GO gene function and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis, andconstructed the core target network diagram and the "Traditional Chinese Medicine-ingredient-key drug target-pathway" network diagram.The 160common target of drugs,463 drug-diseasecore target informationof are screened from Ginseng and Astragalus hebral disease.Among the 463 drug-diseasecore target information, the 62 common targets, 131 potential drug targets and 25 known disease targets are mainly involved in multiple biological processes, such as mitochondrial energy production, transformation and oxidative metabolism. This study explains the similarities and differences of the effect and application onGinseng and Astragalus,which preliminarily revealthe mechanism of combinedaction that Ginseng and Astragalus in the treatment of cardio-cerebral diseases have the effect of Tonifying Qi,and it also provides a demonstration and reference for the in-depth study of the mechanism of the effect of traditional Chinese medicine.
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On the Molecular Mechanism of Liuweidihuang Pillsin the Treatment of Diabetes Based on Integrated Pharmacology   Collect
ZHANG Jiaqi, TANG Shihuan, LI Defeng, ZHANG Yi, SU Jin, LIU Yang, ZHANG Aijia, WANG Ping, WANG Xijun
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 24-30.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.004
Abstract ( 890 )     PDF (1111KB) ( 574 )  
To Explore the potential active ingredients and mechanism of action of Liuweidihuang Pills in the treatment of diabetesmellitus, with the help of integrated pharmacology platform for the analysis of drug targets, gene function and pathway enrichment. Then, the molecular mechanism of LiuweiDihuang Pill for the treatment of diabetes mellitus was studied by using integrated pharmacology thinking. The results showed that many metabolic pathways and components of the targets such as PRKCB, GAA, GCK were associated with diabetes mellitus. It has been speculated that Liuweidihuang Pills could regulate amino acid metabolism, energy metabolism and glucose metabolism and other metabolic disorders to achieve the therapeutic effect of diabetes mellitus.
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Modeling and Analysis of International Trade Network in Hyperbolic Space ——Case of the International Wheat Trade   Collect
WU Zongning, Lü Junyu,CAI Hongbo, FAN Ying
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 31-37.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.005
Abstract ( 911 )     PDF (986KB) ( 424 )  
Based on the theory of hyperbolic geometry, the international trade network is embedded in hyperbolic space by combining the national economy with trade distance. In order to ensure the accuracy of mapping, this paper preprocesses the method of backbone network firstly. And then the geometric framework of complex network is applied to map trade network to the hyperbolic space based on wheat trade data. The results demonstrate that hyperbolic network not only reflect the structure of "core-periphery", namely the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries at the core of the trade network. Over time, major trading nations, such as the United States and Canada have been at the forefront of the world. Russia's trade influence is on the rise, while China is showing a declining trend year by year. In addition, the coordinates of the international wheat hyperbolic network reveal the economic implications.
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The General Framework on the Complexity of International Capital Flow Network   Collect
YING Shangjun, JI Xiaomei, WU Tingting
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 38-44.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.006
Abstract ( 734 )     PDF (901KB) ( 2460 )  
Reviews and prospects the existing academic literature in terms of research paradigms, research methods and research tools on the complexity of international capital flow network. Studies show that the research paradigm ofcomplexity science based on discrete spatial network is pretty suitablefor the research on the complexity of international capital flow network. And the procedure, consisting of "construction of complex discrete network—system evolution—relationship analysis on input and output—proposals fordecision making ", can work quite well while doing this research. Besides, the construction and topological structure analysis of international trade capital flow network, which also belongs to international fund interactive network, could be applied to the research on the complexity of international capital flow network in the context of increasing data availability. And after the expansion on network node and neighbor mode, the newly defined generalized cellular automaton model could be used as a powerful tool for evolution and parameter calculation of international capital flow network.
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Simulation of Cascading Failure on Hazardous Materials Transportation Network under Targeted Attack   Collect
CHONG Pengyun, YIN Hui
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 45-55.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.007
Abstract ( 743 )     PDF (2311KB) ( 555 )  
Based on the model of cascading failure on hazardous materials transportation network (HMTN), this paper researched the characteristics of cascading failure on HMTN and the different targeted attack strategies to the impact of cascading failure on HMTN by controlling the model parameters. Firstly, based on the parameters of HMTN of Dalian city, it established the network generation algorithm of HMTN based on WS small-world network. Secondly, it established the node initial load model with time stage characteristics and tunable parameters, and established the preferential allocation probability model to “failure” node and node capacity model, by using node load dynamic allocation probability value, it described node in the “normal”, “pause” and “failure” three states, then the mechanism model of cascading failure on HMTN was established. Finally, by establishing two kinds of targeted attack strategies and regarding the average size of network cascading failure and phase transition critical value as the measure of invulnerability, a comparative study of different targeted attack strategies to invulnerability of HMTN is researched. Simulation results and theoretical analysis show that: 1) the model of cascading failure on HMTN is reasonable and effective; 2) the node capacity factor and overload capacity adjustment parameter aren’t sensitive to the change of targeted attack strategies, but it’s useful to reduce the average size of network cascading failure and improve the invulnerability of HMTN by increasing their value; 3) For the targeted attack strategies of node degree in descending order, the smaller the tunable parameter is, the stronger the invulnerability of HMTN will be, but for the targeted attack strategies of node degree in ascending order, the bigger the tunable parameter is, the stronger the invulnerability of HMTN will be, and the intersection of their phase transition critical value curves at tunable parameters is equal to 0.5. These results provide a theoretical basis to prevent the terrorist attack for HMTN.
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Fast Convergence for Flocking Motion of Discrete Time Multi-Agent Systems   Collect
YANG Yize,YANG Hongyong,LIU Fan
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 56-61.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.008
Abstract ( 918 )     PDF (643KB) ( 587 )  
As a main application branch of distributed systems, the dynamic characteristics of multi-agent systems have attracted the attention of researchers in many fields. For discrete-time flocking problems of networked systems with multiple leaders, a kind of containment control algorithms converged in finite time is presented in this paper. Based on modern control theory, algebraic graph theory and linear matrix inequality, the proposed control algorithm is analyzed theoretically. The convergence condition is also obtained to ensure the flocking motion in the finite time for discrete-time multi-agent systems. The motion state of the dynamic multi-agent systems to realize the containment control is analyzed. The sufficient condition of the system to achieve finite time convergence is discussed under ideal conditions. Finally, the system simulation results are given to illustrate the correctness of the conclusion.
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Integrated Optimization of Multi-Objective Routing Problem in Fourth Party Logistics   Collect
REN Liang, HUANG Min, WANG Hongfeng, WANG Xingwei
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 62-67.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.009
Abstract ( 784 )     PDF (765KB) ( 572 )  
Routing problem is a key issue of the fourth party logistics. According to characteristics of practice and integrated optimization of routes selection and suppliers selection, integrated optimization of multi-objective routing problem in fourth party logistics is proposed. Double-objective model is established to minimize the total cost and time. Then, a basic ant colony algorithm and an improved ant colony algorithm with dynamic transition probability are used to solve the model. Experimental analysis shows that the improved algorithm can always obtain good solutions in case of different target preferences. The study provides an effective tool for the integrated optimization of fourth party logistics routing problems.
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Stochastic Resonance of TCM Coding and Decoding in Threshold Array Systems   Collect
LI Heng, WANG Youguo, ZHAI Qiqing
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 68-74.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.010
Abstract ( 710 )     PDF (1482KB) ( 431 )  
In order to further reduce the bit error rate (BER) of the trellis coded modulation (TCM) signal at the receiving end, the decoding performance of the TCM code is improved, A discrete multi-threshold array system combined with a Viterbi decoder is used. The mutual information between the output signal of the threshold array system and the TCM coded signal is deduced through theory. At the same time, the variation of the BER is analyzed through simulation experiments. The changes under two different measures are compared. Theoretical analysis shows that under proper noise conditions, the signal is transmitted losslessly to the decoding end; Simulation experiments also show that BER will be greatly reduced under the appropriate number of noise intensity threshold array elements and noise intensity. Comparing the stochastic resonance (SR) under two measures, we found that the existence of stochastic resonance is related to the measurement. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments show that proper noise in this system can significantly improve mutual information and reduce BER.As the number of threshold cells increases, this effect becomes more pronounced.
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Study of Handwritten Digital Recognition in Discrete Hopfield Neural Networks   Collect
PAN Yuanyuan, ZHANG Li, DUAN Lingling, DUAN Fabing
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 75-79.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.011
Abstract ( 1054 )     PDF (1238KB) ( 718 )  
This paper studies the handwritten digital recognition by the discrete Hopfield neural networks. In the experiment, the noisy handwritten digital image is transferred into the binary signal by the serial-scan mode. The binary modulated signal is transmitted through the neural network with the designed weight matrix and the output storage mode of the network is mapped into digital image. The error rate of the digital image is negatively correlated with the amplitude of the modulated signal, the time interval and the number of coupled neurons in the network. However, as the noise intensity increases, the error rate manifests the aperiodic stochastic resonance effect, and achieves the minimum at the non-zero optimal noise intensity. Under this circumstance, the recovered digital image appears more clearly. These results provide a theoretical basis for further research on the adaptive weight matrix of Hopfield neural network for obtaining the minimum error rate, and also are of significance for the positive role of the randomness in the associative memory of the neural networks.
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Analysis of Transmission Rate of Measles in Qingdao   Collect
FANG Haixu, CHEN Ji, ZHAO Jijun
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 80-85.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.012
Abstract ( 771 )     PDF (1027KB) ( 468 )  
In the recent decade, measles vaccination coverage rate in China has reached a very high level (more than 99%), however China is still one of the countries with the highest measles incidents. Eliminating measles is an arduous and important task, requiring a deep understanding of measles transmission. However, study on transmission dynamics of measles in China is very limited. In this paper, we took measles in Qingdao as an example to estimate its transmission rate and transmission seasonality for two stages: pre-vaccination era (19511964) and recent 15 years (20002014). The Time Series Susceptible Infected Recovered (TSIR) model was used to estimate the measles transmission rate over time. The results showed that the measles transmission rate in Qingdao had significant annual seasonality in both stages. In recent 15 years, the seasonal peak of the measles transmission rate in Qingdao has obviously shifted from December to February, when Chinese usually celebrate Chinese New Year. The transmission seasonality for measles in Qingdao is far greater than the seasonality of measles transmission in other countries.
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Measles and Its Control in China in the Past Two Decades   Collect
FANG Haixu, ZHAO Jijun
Complex Systems and Complexity Science. 2018, 15 (1): 86-93.   DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2018.01.013
Abstract ( 1236 )     PDF (1237KB) ( 664 )  
To understand the epidemic of measles in China in the past 20 years, such that to provide important information for dynamical models and to provide theoretical basis and suggestions for control measures to eliminate measles. Reviewed related literature in the past two decades on studies of measles in China, including the epidemiology characteristics of measles, vaccination coverage, supplemental immunization activities (SIA) and their effects, serological investigation in population and the possible driving factors for cases annual seasonality. Reported cases in the post-vaccination era still had annual seasonality, however seasonal peak shifted to late Spring; case percentage in age groups shifted and the percentage in elder population increased; the overall immunization rate of measles in China has reached a high level, but the vaccination coverage in urban and rural areas are uneven; SIA had significant effect on the reduction of measles cases there is a significant correlation between the number of cases of measles and the environmental factors. A nationwide comparative analysis in the epidemiology of measles is lack; it is necessary to study the vaccination coverage difference between rural and urban areas; it is worth to apply dynamical transmission models to analyze the persistent prevalence of measles in China even though there has been a high level vaccination implemented.
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