Abstract:The alternation of different types of edges (direction changed) and the addition of edges between different nodes in complex networks will have different effect on the controllability of the network. In order to better understand the influence of altering different edges and adding different edges on network controllability in directed networks, this paper proposes a classification method of edges. According to the node category and matching relationship, the directed edges are divided into twelve types, and the algorithm of identification is given. Based on the classification, the change law of network controllability (the number of driving nodes) is given when the edges of networks are altered and added. Through the simulation experiment of the model networks and the actual networks, the proportion of different types of edges is analyzed. When edges are altered and added, the changes in the number of driven nodes are analyzed in the model networks and the actual networks. The correctness of the theorems of this article are verified.
张虎林, 李成铁, 王立夫. 边转换与增加对有向网络能控性的影响[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2023, 20(3): 11-19.
ZHANG Hulin, LI Chengtie, WANG Lifu. Influence of Alteration and Addition of Edges on Directed Network Controllability. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2023, 20(3): 11-19.
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