Abstract:The campus is a special crowded place. If a patient with covid-19 appears on campus, there is often the risk of large-scale infection, and it may also become an important source of family transmission. This paper proposes a class-based contact reduction strategy for campus epidemic prevention and control. This strategy can be understood as reducing human contact between and within communities after the campus population is divided into groups according to the class structure. The research results show that, on the premise of reducing the same number of contacts or contact time, differential contact reduction strategies based on community structure can achieve better epidemic prevention and control effects, making the infection peak and the total number of disease-causing population fell further on campus.
高天, 许小可. 基于社团结构的抑制校园新冠传播研究[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2024, 21(3): 9-16.
GAO Tian, XU Xiaoke. Suppression of COVID-19 Campus Spreading Based on Community Structures[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2024, 21(3): 9-16.
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