Abstract:Based on the good application prospects of multi-agent systems, we study the graph-theoretic conditions of target controllability for a class of special general linear multi-agent systems under undirected weighted topology. By using the knowledge of graph and matrix theory, a sufficient condition for the target controllability of the system is obtained. Then, through the analyses on actual examples, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition of target controllability for the system. The results show that under the leader-follower connected topology, the multi-agent system is target controllable if and only if the connected component containing the follower target nodes is target controllable, and the same conclusion applies to the non leader-follower connected topology.
纪亚楠, 纪志坚. 无向拓扑下多智能体系统目标能控的图论条件[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2024, 21(4): 13-20.
JI Ya′nan, JI Zhijian. Graph-theoretic Conditions for Target Controllability of Multi-agent System in Undirected Topology[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2024, 21(4): 13-20.
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