Regulation of Network Condensation Based on Fitness Ordered Access
MA Zhongyu1, CHENG Yanxin1, CHEN Lisheng1, LIAO Qijia1, QIAN Jianghai1,2
1. College of Mathematics and Physics, Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 200090,China; 2. Engineering Research Center of Software/Hardware Co-design Technology and Application, Ministry of Education (East China Normal University), Shanghai 200062, China
Abstract:To find theoretically an effective antitrust policy, we design an access rule for nodes based on the rearrangement of their fitness and study its effect on the topology condensation from the perspective of complex network theory. By Monte-Carlo simulations and the finite size scaling analysis, we obtain the critical rearrangement index for a typical class of fitness distribution and establish the condensation phase diagram. The phase diagram shows that there exists an interval of the critical rearrangement index, outside which the condensation will be effectively suppressed; the phase diagram is asymmetric in structure and the critical reverse-rearrangement index diverges in a nonlinear manner. These results can explain the present monopolistic behavior by internet firms and provide useful suggestion for the corresponding anti-monopoly policy.
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