Mechanical Mechanism Analysis of Forced Lorenz Model
WANG Heyuan1,2, CHEN Xiangting2
1. College of General Education, Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan 523083,China; 2. College of Mathematics and Systematics Sciences, Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang 110034,China
Abstract:In order to reveal the generation mechanism of chaos, the mechanical mechanism of forced Lorenz model is discussed. The forced Lorenz model is transformed into Kolmogorov system, and the torques of the system are decomposed into inertial torques, dissipative torques and external torques. The effects of various torque coupling modes on the System dynamics behavior are analyzed to reveal the mechanism of chaos generation. It is shown that only when the dissipation factor, the driving factor and the internal energy exist in the full moment mode, and the driving factor and the dissipation factor match, the forced Lorenz system can produce chaos. The global stability of the forced Lorenz model is analyzed by constructing the Casimir function, and the boundary of the attractor of the forced Lorenz model is estimated.
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