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复杂系统与复杂性科学  2024, Vol. 21 Issue (4): 65-72    DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2024.04.011
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宋月伟, 赵林
青岛大学自动化学院,山东 青岛 266071
Finite-time Containment Control for Stochastic Multiple Manipulator Systems
SONG Yuewei, ZHAO Lin
School of Automation, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China
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摘要 针对随机振动环境下的多机械臂系统,设计了一种快速有限时间包含控制策略。有限时间滤波器的加入避免了用传统反步策略对虚拟控制信号微分时出现的“计算爆炸”问题,并通过有限时间控制提高了系统的收敛速度。通过建立误差补偿机制,消除了滤波误差对控制系统的干扰。采用相对阈值-事件触发机制有效地减少了资源浪费和通信负担。研究结果表明闭环系统是实际快速有限时间均方稳定的,给出的MATLAB仿真结果也证明了控制策略的有效性。
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关键词 多机械臂随机振动有限时间控制包含控制    
Abstract:A fast finite time containment control strategy is designed for multi-manipulator systems in random vibration environment. The addition of finite-time filter avoids the problem of ‘computation explosion’ when differentiating the virtual control signals by traditional backstepping and improves the convergence speed of the systems by finite-time. By establishing the error compensation mechanism, the influence of filter errors to the control systems is eliminated. Using the relative threshold-event-triggered mechanism effectively reduces resource waste and communication burden. It proves that closed-loop systems are actually fast and finite time stable in mean square. The MATLAB simulation results show the effectiveness of the control strategy.
Key wordsmulti-manipulator    random vibration    finite-time control    containment control
收稿日期: 2023-06-21      出版日期: 2025-01-03
ZTFLH:  TP273  
通讯作者: 赵林(1985-),男,山东青岛人,博士,教授,主要研究方向为机器人控制方面的教学与科研。   
作者简介: 宋月伟(1998-),男,山东东营人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为随机系统控制。
宋月伟, 赵林. 随机多机械臂系统的有限时间包含控制[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2024, 21(4): 65-72.
SONG Yuewei, ZHAO Lin. Finite-time Containment Control for Stochastic Multiple Manipulator Systems[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2024, 21(4): 65-72.
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