Abstract:Critical nodes in complex networks can influence the system functionality. Many real networks have a significant number of closed triangle motifs. To explore the influence of these motifs on the importance of nodes, a critical nodes identification method based on closed triangle motifs is proposed. The algorithm measures the importance of each motif and evaluates the node importance through the motif weights and node degrees. Robustness experiments and propagation experiments based on the SIR model are carried out with six real networks. The experimental results show that this method can identify critical nodes of the network more effectively than the DC method, K-shell method, WL method, and ME method.
徐越, 刘雪明. 基于三元闭包模体的关键节点识别方法[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2023, 20(4): 33-39.
XU Yue, LIU Xueming. Method for Identifying Critical Nodes Based on Closed Triangle Motifs. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2023, 20(4): 33-39.
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